Hello again

>> Thursday, December 4, 2014

I’m back! Things have been (understandably) crazy since having a baby almost two months ago. But I’m ready to start getting  back in the swing of things. Things are definitely still crazy but I’ll pretend I have it under control. :) For starters, I’d like you to meet Easton.
Yes, that is boy #4 for us! When you make them this cute, no need to mess with a good thing! I’ve been indulging in lots of newborn cuddles and trying not to have too high expectations for myself. We haven’t worked on any projects at all the last couple months. I consider it a successful day if everyone gets dinner and has clean clothes to wear. But I’m itching to get going again on real life. I’m not sure how realistic it is when I’m not getting much sleep and holding a baby for most of the day but I’m gonna try!

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