2015 Organization Challenge

>> Sunday, January 4, 2015

So cliché, right? A new year’s resolution to be better organized? But in my case at least it is definitely needed. 2014 was a good year in many ways but in lots of ways it kind of kicked my butt. I was pregnant for most of the year and had a newborn baby for the rest. We also tackled a big renovation project – putting a bathroom in the basement – and lots of smaller ones. Most of the time I was happy to get the bare minimum done and if there was energy left over, it went to my kids and husband, not the house.

So now that I’m starting to feel more like myself, I’m ready to tackle some of the areas that have really been bothering me. In fact I have already started. But then I came across this organization challenge that one of my friends shared on Facebook. I thought it was just the thing to get me going. The basic gist is that there is one organizational challenge each week for the whole year. Click through to read more details.

I’m trying to accept that there are more limitations on my time and energy right now so just doing one area per week seems just about right for my abilities. Plus sometimes I get so anxious to go at it that I burn myself out in a few days when I’ve completely ignored the rest of my responsibilities. So pacing myself will probably be a really good thing!

I’m going to start out following the schedule but I’m sure I will make adjustments based on my needs. Just skimming through, I can see that there are a few challenges that don’t really apply to me (I don’t have any pets!) and some that I imagine might take me more than a week to finish (I have 3 kids bedrooms to organize!). I also suspect that I will take on more than one project some weeks when something is just really bugging me and needs to be taken care of and that there will be weeks when I’ve got sick kids or we go out of town.

I’m excited to embark on this challenge and hope you will follow along! First up – kitchen counters and sink!

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