>> Monday, September 17, 2012
The baby’s room is finally at a point that I can call it done (for now!). It still needs some more small touches but all of the big things are done. And now it’s a fun, simple room, perfect for baby Nash. But first, lets travel back in time a year and check out what it used to be. I’m not sure exactly what this room was used for but it was an elderly lady that lived here so I’m guessing this room was used for some type of physiotherapy or stretching? Your guess is as good as mine. Either way, it wasn’t very inviting with linoleum floors and those giant metal bars.
But even though it looks quite different now, this is probably the room that got close to the least amount of changes. First, we tore up the linoleum and extra subfloor, which was a total beast! I actually have my grandparents to thank for that because they got most of that job done. We also, of course, ripped off all of the wallpaper, trim and the closet doors. Next it got a coat of paint and a new window! Those big bay windows were kinda cool in their own way but totally not the look we were going for.
After some new trim and flooring, here it is today:Poor Nash, the third child that he is. We really didn’t do much for his nursery other than set up all the furniture that was in Landon’s nursery. But I do love that we were able to give the room a whole different look without much effort or money spent.
I knew I didn’t want to go all out with the crib bedding so I chose instead to order some fabric and make him a fun crib sheet. I really love the pop of color in the crib! I would like to have a crib skirt but I’ve done without one for this long, I don’t think I’ll make the effort now.
The crib and mobile were both bought before Tyler was born. It is kinda fun to have things that we’ve used with all three boys. I made the dinosaur art and then had it printed at Costco and popped them into dollar store frames.
The “Nash” sign was made by adapting an idea I found on Pinterest. It was kind of a fun project and Jeff actually helped me a lot by pounding most of the nails and even doing some of the string. I actually snapped this picture the morning before Nash was born. The boys were watching a show, Jeff was finishing up the sign and I was sitting in the chair having contractions.
I think it’s a fun, unexpected element to a little boy’s room!
The chair and night stand, I recovered/refinished before Landon was born but I recently whipped up that fun pillow to add a bit of color to that side of the room.
I’m really happy with where we are at with his room right now. It definitely needs some more finishing touches but I’m happy enough with it right now that I can move on to some other projects in our house that are in more desperate need of my attention!
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